6-17 Year Olds

How do I refer?

Please click on the download button below and complete the referral form. Please ensure that all boxes are completed and all information is accurate and up to date. You will receive a confirmation email within 5 working days of your referral form being submitted. If you experience any difficulties downloading or completing the referral form, please contact our clinic team at: lyndsey.cinnamond@adhdfoundation.org.uk



At the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity, we offer a full pre-diagnostic ADHD screening assessment for 6- to 17-year-olds. This is not a diagnostic process, it is a comprehensive screen used to support a diagnosis comprising of the QbTest or QbCheck, ADHD rating scales, a clinical interview and full history. This is a useful tool to determine whether ADHD may be present and create a body of evidence that can be used by a diagnosing clinician.

The price for a full assessment is £340. A QbTest only, costs £270.

Once you have received the results of your child’s pre-diagnostic screening, and if you would like to continue their assessment and pursue a formal diagnosis, we can refer you over to a private paediatrician. Our associate paediatrician can use the evidence provided from the pre-diagnostic screening assessment to continue the diagnosis. They charge an additional fee £350 for a diagnostic consultation, and £100-£200 for each follow-up/medication review appointment required. Alternatively, we can send the results to any healthcare provider of your choice. This can be discussed following the pre-diagnostic screening.


See below for more information

6-17 Screening Service 12.05

Neurodiversity Clinic

At the ADHD Foundation, we strive to deliver an accessible, efficient and high-quality ADHD screening service, whether you live in Liverpool or further afield.

Neurodiversity Clinic FAQs

Read Frequently Asked Questions about our screening service, with info on the QbTest, QbCheck, diagnostic process, and bookings.

QbTest Only

What if I just want the QbTest, or what if my doctor has completed the other aspects of the screen and has only requested the QbTest?

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